Great guide here with more thorough information (I “borrowed” the script below from this page):
How it works
The VNC Password is stored in the folder “/tmp/.qnap/vncpassword” on your running Ubuntu instance. In the terminal on your Ubuntu instance you can view the temporary password by running the command:
sudo more /tmp/.qnap/vncpassword
Note that the Password changes when you restart Linux Station or the Ubuntu instance.
How to change to a permanent VNC password
Create the file setmyvncpassword.service on the Ubuntu instance:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/user/setmyvncpassword.service
Add file content:
[Unit] Description=set my password for vnc Before=x11vnc.service [Service] ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -m 0700 -p /tmp/.qnap ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c "echo MY_PASSWORD > /tmp/.qnap/vncpassword" ExecStart=/bin/true Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes [Install]
Exchange “MY_PASSWORD” for your own private password. Use CTRL+X to exit and then type “Y”+ Enter to save.
To enable script on boot type the command:
sudo systemctl enable /etc/systemd/user/setmyvncpassword.service
nice post. finally solve my problem.